19-4716. Schedule of fines for violations; waiver of right to trial; voluntary appearance; plea of guilty or no contest.
(a) The board of county commissioners shall establish a schedule of fines which shall be imposed for violations of county codes and resolutions. Any fine established shall be within the minimum and maximum allowable fines established by county resolutions for such offenses by the board of county commissioners.
(b) A person charged with the violation of a county code or resolution contained in a schedule of fines established under subsection (a) shall, except as provided in subsection (c), appear at the place and time specified in the notice to appear. If the person enters an appearance, waives right to trial, pleads guilty or no contest, the fine shall be no greater than that specified in the schedule.
(c) Prior to the time specified in the notice to appear, a person charged with the violation of a county code or resolution contained in a schedule of fines established under subsection (a) may enter an appearance, waive right to trial, plead guilty or no contest and pay the fine for the violation as specified in the schedule. At the election of the person charged, such appearance, waiver, plea and payment may be made by any means accepted by the court. The complaint shall not have been complied with if a payment is not honored for any reason, or the fine is not paid in full prior to the time specified in the notice to appear. When a person charged with violating a county code or resolution on a schedule of fines makes payment without executing a written waiver of right to trial and plea of guilty or no contest, the payment shall be deemed such an appearance, waiver of right to trial and plea of no contest.
The judge may authorize the clerk of the district court or some other person to accept by mail, in person or other means as ordered by the court, such voluntary appearance, plea of guilty or no contest and payment of the fine imposed by the schedule.
The schedule of fines and persons authorized to accept such pleas shall be conspicuously displayed in the office where such voluntary appearance, plea of guilty and payment of fine occurs.
(d) No person who violates a county code or resolution and is prosecuted under this code shall be imprisoned for such violation.
History: L. 1988, ch. 102, § 20; L. 2010, ch. 70, § 2; July 1.