19-3608. Same; agreements with cities or townships for fire protection service; terms; resolution or ordinance.
The board of county commissioners, as the governing body of any fire district organized by virtue of this act, may enter into agreements (and may modify or alter the same) with any township or townships, city or cities in the county or with adjacent townships or cities in adjacent townships in adjoining counties having an organized fire department under the control of the governing body thereof, for fire protection services and for the use, operation, care and maintenance of any fire apparatus or equipment belonging to such district. Said agreement shall be made by resolution in the case of said board and by ordinance in the case of any city. All such contracts shall fix the terms and conditions (including a consideration) under which any city binds itself to furnish fire protection services to the fire district, and/or by which any city shall use, operate, house and maintain any fire apparatus, equipment and supplies purchased for the purpose of this act by said board and the terms under which any such city may furnish fire protection services to the district by the use of city firemen, fire apparatus and equipment, or by both use of city- and district-owned apparatus and equipment.
The rights and duties vested in municipal firemen by the provisions of sections 80-1504, 80-1505 and 80-1506 of the General Statutes of 1949, and any amendments thereto, shall govern in all cases when applicable to this act: Provided, That the supervision and control of any fire department furnishing services by reason of this act shall always be with the governing body of a city.
History: L. 1953, ch. 161, § 8; April 13.