17-1335h. Same; title reinvested; reconveyance, when.
Compliance with the terms of this act shall as fully reinvest the cemetery district with, and divest the record owner and his descendants of, the title to such portion of such cemetery lot unused for burial purposes, as though the same had never been conveyed to any person, and such cemetery district shall have, hold and enjoy such reclaimed portions of such lots for its own uses and purposes, subject to the laws of this state, and to the charter, bylaws, rules and regulations of such cemetery district: Provided, That such cemetery district shall not be permitted to alienate any such lot for the period of one (1) year from and after the adoption of the resolution provided for in this act by the board of directors of such cemetery district: And further provided, That if at any time during said one-year period, any person or persons entitled to such cemetery lot by the laws of this state, shall pay or cause to be paid to the secretary-treasurer of such district all said unpaid lot care, together with the expenses of the service of the notice hereinbefore provided for, and any additional sums due for lot care subsequent to the date of such notice, as prescribed by the bylaws, rules and regulations of such cemetery district, and shall take out and pay for a perpetual care contract upon such lot, the said board of directors shall reconvey such lots to the person or persons lawfully entitled to the same.
History: L. 1953, ch. 127, § 9; June 30.