17-1313. Cemeteries in or near cities; dissolution.
That upon the sale of all of the burial lots in the cemetery of said corporation, or upon a vote of two-thirds majority of the stockholders of said corporation, said corporation may be dissolved, and thereupon a permanent-maintenance fund, together with all investments then outstanding, and all books, records and papers of such corporation, shall be turned over to the city treasurer of the city in which or adjacent to which said cemetery is situated, who shall give a bond similar to the bond hereinbefore required of the treasurer of said corporation; and thereupon the governing body of said city is hereby authorized and required to provide for the investment of such funds in the same kind of securities as hereinbefore provided, and to care for and maintain the said cemetery; the proceeds of said fund to be used exclusively for such purpose.
History: L. 1901, ch. 102, § 7; March 22; R.S. 1923, 17-1313.