17-1302a. Replatting of areas of certain cemeteries established by religious corporations.
Whenever a religious organization has, prior to the effective date of this act established a cemetery and provided for the operation thereof by a board of directors, and the lots have been surveyed and platted and the plat recorded in the office of the register of deeds of the county in which the cemetery is situated prior to 1940, and where there are some areas of these platted lands containing a number of lots which have not been sold or otherwise disposed of, and the board of directors of the cemetery shall determine that there is a real necessity to widen driveways and change the size of the lots in such unsold or undisposed of platted areas, then, the board of directors may replat such areas that are to be used for cemetery purposes in such a manner as to widen the driveways and change the size of the unsold lots, so that they may be utilized in the best possible way. Such replat shall be recorded in the office of the register of deeds in the same manner as the original plat was recorded.
History: L. 1969, ch. 123, § 1; July 1.