Objection of members — purchase of interests upon demand.

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501.615 Objection of members — purchase of interests upon demand.

1. If a member of a cooperative which is a party to a merger or consolidation files with the cooperative, prior to or at the meeting of members at which the plan is submitted to a vote, a written objection to the plan of merger or consolidation, and votes in opposition to the plan, and the member, within twenty days after the merger or consolidation is approved by the other members, makes written demand on the surviving or new cooperative for payment of the fair value of that member’s interest as of the day prior to the date on which the vote was taken approving the merger or consolidation, the surviving or new cooperative shall pay to the member, upon surrender of that person’s certificate of membership or interests in the cooperative, the fair value of that person’s interest as provided in section 501.616. A member who fails to make demand within the twenty-day period is conclusively presumed to have consented to the merger or consolidation and is bound by its terms.

2. In the event that a dissenting member does business with the surviving or new cooperative before payment has been made for that person’s membership, the dissenting member is deemed to have consented to the merger or consolidation and to have waived all further rights as a dissenting member.

98 Acts, ch 1152, §39, 69

Referred to in §501.611

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