Execution and filing of documents.

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501.105 Execution and filing of documents.

1. The secretary of state may prescribe and furnish on request forms for the proper administration of this chapter. If the secretary of state has prescribed a mandatory form for a document, then that form must be on the prescribed form.

2. Articles must be signed by all of the organizers; and all other documents filed with the secretary of state must be signed by one of the cooperative’s officers. The printed name and capacity of each signatory must appear in proximity to the signatory’s signature. The secretary of state may accept a document containing a copy of the signature. A document is not required to contain a seal, an acknowledgment, or a verification.

3. The secretary of state shall collect the following fees:

a. Twenty dollars upon the filing of original or amended articles or articles of merger.

b. Five dollars upon the filing of all other required documents.

c. Five dollars per document and fifty cents per page for copying and certifying a document.

4. A document is effective at the later of the following times:

a. The time of filing on the date it is filed, as evidenced by the secretary of state’s date and time endorsement on the original document.

b. The delayed effective time and date specified in the document. If a delayed effective date but no time is specified in the document, the document is effective at the close of business on that date. A delayed effective date for a document shall not be later than the ninetieth day after the date it is filed.

5. A document filed under this section may be corrected if the document contains an incorrect statement or the execution of the document was defective. A document is corrected by filing with the secretary of state articles of correction which describe the document to be corrected, including its filing date or a copy of the document. The articles must specify and correct the incorrect statement or defective execution. Articles of correction are effective on the effective date of the document it corrects except as to persons relying on the original document and adversely affected by the correction. As to those persons, articles of correction are effective when filed.

6. The secretary of state shall forward for recording a copy of each original, amended, and restated articles, articles of merger, articles of consolidation, and articles of dissolution to the recorder of the county in which the cooperative has its principal place of business, or in the case of a merger or consolidation, to the recorders of each of the counties in which the merging or consolidating cooperatives have their principal offices. The county recorder shall collect recording fees pursuant to section 331.604 for documents forwarded for recording under this subsection.

96 Acts, ch 1010, §7; 98 Acts, ch 1152, §9, 69; 2009 Acts, ch 27, §30

Referred to in §501.617, 501.713

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