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501.104 Name.

The name of a cooperative organized under this chapter must comply with all of the following:

1. The name must contain the word “cooperative”, “coop”, or “co-op”.

2. The name must be distinguishable from all of the following:

a. The name of a cooperative organized under this chapter.

b. The name of a cooperative or cooperative association organized under another chapter, including chapter 497, 498, 499, or 501A.

c. The name of a foreign cooperative, cooperative association, or corporation authorized to do business in this state, including as provided in section 499.54 or section 501A.221.

d. The name of a cooperative which has been administratively dissolved pursuant to section 501.812 for a period of less than five years from the effective date of the dissolution.

96 Acts, ch 1010, §6; 2006 Acts, ch 1089, §42

Referred to in §501.202, 501.813

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