Civil penalties.

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480.6 Civil penalties.

1. A person who violates a provision of this chapter is subject to a civil penalty as follows:

a. For a violation related to natural gas and hazardous liquid pipelines, an amount not to exceed ten thousand dollars for each violation for each day the violation continues, up to a maximum of five hundred thousand dollars.

b. For a violation related to any other underground facility, an amount not to exceed one thousand dollars for each violation for each day the violation continues, up to a maximum of twenty thousand dollars.

2. The attorney general, upon the receipt of a complaint, may institute any legal proceedings necessary to enforce the penalty provisions of this chapter.

3. All amounts collected pursuant to this section shall be remitted to the treasurer of state, who shall deposit the amount in the general fund of the state.

92 Acts, ch 1103, §6

Referred to in §480.3

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