Meeting and vote.

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468.266 Meeting and vote.

1. Each board of a participating drainage or levee district shall meet to vote on a resolution which includes the question whether or not to approve the proposed merger. A board must vote on the resolution within forty-five days of the last public hearing conducted pursuant to section 468.265.

2. The board shall only consider written objections to the proposed merger as filed in the office of the county auditor as provided in the notice for a public hearing or comments made at a public hearing conducted pursuant to section 468.265.

3. Two or more boards may approve a joint meeting and vote upon a joint resolution. If the board for the participating dominant district votes at the joint meeting, the dominant board shall pay any costs associated with conducting the joint meeting, regardless of the vote’s outcome.

2014 Acts, ch 1075, §5

Referred to in §468.267

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