Impounding areas and erosion control devices.

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468.128 Impounding areas and erosion control devices.

Levee and drainage districts are empowered to construct impounding areas and other flood and erosion control devices to protect lands of the district and drainage structures and may provide ways for access to improvements for the operation or protection thereof, where the cost is not excessive in consideration of the value to the district. Necessary lands or easements may be acquired within or without the district by purchase, lease or agreement, or by exercise of the right of eminent domain as provided for in chapter 6B and may be procured and construction undertaken either independently or in cooperation with other districts, individuals, or any federal or state agency or political subdivision.

[C54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §455.137]

89 Acts, ch 126, §2

CS89, §468.128

2006 Acts, 1st Ex, ch 1001, §44, 49

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