2A.6 Special distribution of legal publications.
1. The legislative services agency shall make available electronic or printed versions of the official legal publications listed in section 2A.5, to the three branches of state government, to elected county officers, to county and city assessors, to Iowa’s congressional delegation, to federal courts in Iowa and federal judges and magistrates for Iowa, and to state and university depository libraries, the library of Congress, and the library of the United States supreme court.
2. The legislative services agency may review the publication costs and offsetting sales revenues relating to legal publications in electronic and printed formats. If a legal publication is available in an electronic version, the legislative services agency may provide the version free of charge or may charge a fee for any mailing or handling costs in the distribution of the electronic version or may charge a fee for an electronic version which includes programming not originally part of the stored information, including but not limited to search and retrieval functions. The legislative services agency shall establish policies requiring payment for any printed versions of the official legal publications from persons to whom the legislative services agency is obligated to make the legal publications available pursuant to subsection 1.
2003 Acts, ch 35, §6, 49; 2010 Acts, ch 1031, §31
See also §256.53