279.11 Number of schools — attendance — terms — classroom assignment.
1. The board of directors shall determine the number of schools to be taught, divide the corporation into such wards or other divisions for school purposes as may be proper, determine the particular school which each child shall attend, and designate the period each school shall be held beyond the time required by law.
2. a. A parent or guardian of siblings may request of a school principal that the siblings be placed in the same classroom or in separate classrooms if the siblings are in the same grade level academically for kindergarten through grade five. The school principal in consultation with the siblings’ classroom teachers for the prior school year, may recommend classroom placement to the parent or guardian. The school principal shall provide the placement requested by the parent or guardian, unless the school principal makes a classroom placement determination as provided under paragraph “b” or if the placement would require the school district to add an additional class at the siblings’ grade level. A request made by a parent or guardian under this paragraph must be submitted to the school principal at the time of registration for classes or, if the siblings are enrolled in the school district after the school year commences, within fourteen days after the siblings’ first day of attendance during the school year.
b. At the end of the initial grading period following the siblings’ placement in the same classroom in accordance with paragraph “a”, if the school principal, in consultation with the siblings’ classroom teacher and parent or guardian, determines that placement in the same classroom is disruptive to the class, the school principal may assign one or more of the siblings to a different classroom.
c. For purposes of this subsection, “disruptive to the class” includes classroom placement of the siblings where it is determined that a sibling’s behavior or actions are detrimental to other students’ academic achievement or substantially interferes with other students’ abilities to participate in or benefit from the services, activities, or privileges provided by the school.
d. A parent or guardian may appeal the assignment of siblings made by a school principal under this subsection to the board of directors of the school district.
[R60, §2023, 2037; C73, §1724, 1727; C97, §2773; S13, §2773; C24, 27, 31, 35, 39, §4227; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §279.11]
2019 Acts, ch 72, §1; 2020 Acts, ch 1062, §41
Subsection 2, paragraph a amended