Local Authority to Grant Permits for Transporting Overweight Divisible Loads

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Sec. 2.5. (a) A local authority that:

(1) has jurisdiction over a state highway, an interstate highway, or a local street; and

(2) is responsible for the repair and maintenance of the state highway, interstate highway, or local street;

may, upon proper application in writing and upon good cause shown, grant a permit for transporting overweight divisible loads on or over roads or streets under the control of a local authority.

(b) If a local authority grants a permit under subsection (a), the local authority may designate a route for the permit. A deviation from that route constitutes a violation subject to a civil penalty under IC 9-20-18-14.5.

As added by P.L.135-2013, SEC.5. Amended by P.L.179-2021, SEC.4.

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