Transportation of Bulk Milk and Items Belonging to an Electric Cooperative; Special Permit; Conditions; Limitations

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Sec. 2.1. (a) As used in this section, "electric cooperative" means an entity that is organized under IC 8-1-13.

(b) As used in this section, "equivalent single axle load" means the known quantifiable and standardized amount of damage to highway pavement structures equivalent to one (1) pass of a single eighteen thousand (18,000) pound dual tire axle, with all four (4) tires on the axle inflated to one hundred ten (110) pounds per square inch.

(c) The Indiana department of transportation or local authority that:

(1) has jurisdiction over a highway or street; and

(2) is responsible for the repair and maintenance of the highway or street;

may, upon proper application in writing and upon good cause shown, grant a permit for transporting bulk milk or material, products, or equipment belonging to an electric cooperative that are necessary for the installation or maintenance of facilities owned or operated by the electric cooperative which allows for transportation of loads of up to one hundred thousand (100,000) pounds.

(d) If the department of transportation grants a permit under subsection (c) to an applicant whose total equivalent single axle load calculation is equal to or less than 2.40 equivalent single axle load credit, the department of transportation shall issue the permit annually.

(e) If the department of transportation grants a permit under subsection (c) to an applicant whose total equivalent single axle load calculation is greater than 2.40 equivalent single axle load credit, the department of transportation may issue the permit pursuant to section 2 of this chapter.

(f) The fee for an annual permit issued under subsection (d) is twenty dollars ($20).

As added by P.L.54-2018, SEC.2. Amended by P.L.110-2019, SEC.1.

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