Inspection of Permits; Violations of Terms and Conditions; Liability for Damages to Highway; Additional Registration and Licensing

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Sec. 11. (a) A permit issued under this chapter shall:

(1) be carried in or on the vehicle or other object to which the permit refers; and

(2) be open to inspection by a police officer.

(b) A person may not violate the terms or conditions of a special permit.

(c) The issuance of a special permit under this chapter:

(1) does not relieve the responsibility for damages to a highway imposed by this article; and

(2) does not, for:

(A) the use of a vehicle already registered and licensed;

(B) the use of a vehicle not subject to registration and licensing under IC 9-18 (before its expiration), IC 9-18.1, or IC 9-18.5; or

(C) the moving of objects other than vehicles under the special permit;

require further registration and licensing to authorize the issuance of the special permit.

[Pre-1991 Recodification Citation: 9-8-1-16(l).]

As added by P.L.2-1991, SEC.8. Amended by P.L.257-2017, SEC.32.

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