Detention of Vehicles; Bond; Impoundment of Property

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Sec. 3. (a) If a person is apprehended operating or causing to be operated a vehicle or combination of vehicles on a highway with a weight in excess of a limitation under IC 9-20-4, IC 9-20-5, or IC 9-20-11, the vehicle or combination of vehicles shall be detained until the weight of the vehicle or combination of vehicles is reduced or distributed to comply with the limitation.

(b) While a vehicle or combination of vehicles is detained, the vehicle or combination of vehicles shall be kept in the custody of the apprehending officer and shall be moved only as directed by the officer or by direction of a court.

(c) A person who is apprehended may post a bond in a court. If a bond is posted and the weight is reduced to within the lawful limits, the vehicle or combination of vehicles shall be released by order of the court.

(d) If a bond is not posted, the court may have the apprehending officer impound the property until a bond is posted or until all fines and costs are paid or stayed.

[Pre-1991 Recodification Citations: 9-8-1-13(b) part; 9-8-1-13(c) part.]

As added by P.L.2-1991, SEC.8.

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