Maintenance Personnel; Assistance in Enforcement; Powers and Duties; Compensation

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Sec. 10. (a) The department of transportation may deputize and appoint the department's regularly employed maintenance personnel to assist in the enforcement of this article.

(b) Maintenance personnel delegated and appointed under this section shall report to the proper officers any violations of this article for prosecution by the proper officers.

(c) For the purpose of enforcing this article, an employee who is designated:

(1) has the power of a police officer anywhere in Indiana;

(2) must subscribe an oath; and

(3) must furnish a bond of one thousand dollars ($1,000):

(A) for faithful performance of the employee's duties as a special officer running to the state; and

(B) approved and filed in the office of the secretary of state.

(d) An employee described under this section may not receive additional salary or wages due to the employee's services under this section.

[Pre-1991 Recodification Citation: 9-8-1-17 part.]

As added by P.L.2-1991, SEC.8.

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