Transport From Manufacturing Facility to Storage Lot; Fee

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Sec. 2.1. (a) Notwithstanding IC 9-20-14 or this chapter, a manufacturer of mobile homes or an agent of a manufacturer of mobile homes may transport a tractor-mobile home rig of any size permitted under IC 9-20-14 or this chapter from the manufacturing facility to a storage lot if:

(1) before transporting a tractor-mobile home rig the manufacturer or agent:

(A) receives a permit from the motor carrier service division of the department of state revenue; and

(B) complies with the requirements of IC 9-20-14-2; and

(2) the distance between the manufacturing facility and the storage lot is less than fifteen (15) miles.

(b) The fee for an annual permit to move tractor-mobile home rigs under subsection (a) is forty dollars ($40) for each three (3) mile increment that a tractor-mobile home rig is transported up to a maximum of fifteen (15) miles. A fee imposed under this section may not exceed two hundred dollars ($200).

[Pre-2016 Revision Citation: subsection (b) formerly 9-29-6-12.]

As added by P.L.82-1999, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.198-2016, SEC.356.

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