Maximum Length Limitation; Truck-Tractor, Semitrailer, Truck-Tractor-Semitrailer, or Truck-Tractor-Semitrailer-Trailer Combinations

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Sec. 2. (a) Notwithstanding IC 9-20-3 and IC 9-20-9, and except for length exclusive devices in accordance with 23 CFR 658.13, the following are the maximum limitations on length of a truck-tractor, semitrailer, truck-tractor-semitrailer combination, or truck-tractor-semitrailer-trailer combination:

(1) The maximum length of the semitrailer unit operating in a truck-tractor-semitrailer combination is fifty-three (53) feet, including the vehicle and the load.

(2) The maximum length of the semitrailer unit or trailer operating in a truck-tractor-semitrailer-trailer combination is twenty-eight (28) feet, six (6) inches.

(3) A maximum overall length limit is not imposed on a truck-tractor-semitrailer or truck-tractor-semitrailer-trailer combination.

(4) The maximum length of a maxi-cube vehicle combination is sixty-five (65) feet, and the maximum length of the separable cargo carrying unit is thirty-four (34) feet.

(5) If the combination is used exclusively or primarily in connection with motorsports:

(A) the maximum distance between the kingpin and the rearmost axle of the semitrailer operating in the combination is forty-six (46) feet; and

(B) the maximum length of the semitrailer is fifty-seven (57) feet.

(b) This section does not prohibit the transportation of a motor vehicle or watercraft on part of a truck-tractor.

[Pre-1991 Recodification Citation: 9-8-1-2(e) part.]

As added by P.L.2-1991, SEC.8. Amended by P.L.216-2001, SEC.2; P.L.12-2013, SEC.3; P.L.164-2020, SEC.39.

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