Conditions for Registration as Farm Vehicle

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Sec. 1. A vehicle that satisfies the following conditions may be registered as a farm vehicle:

(1) The vehicle must be one (1) of the following:

(A) A truck with a declared gross weight of more than eleven thousand (11,000) pounds.

(B) A tractor used with a semitrailer that has a declared gross weight of more than eleven thousand (11,000) pounds.

(C) A trailer with a declared gross weight of more than nine thousand (9,000) pounds.

(D) A semitrailer.

(2) The owner of the vehicle or a guest occupant uses the vehicle in connection with agricultural pursuits usual and normal to the user's farming operations.

(3) The vehicle is used to transport farm products, livestock, machinery, or supplies to or from a farm or ranch.

(4) The vehicle is not used:

(A) in the conduct of a commercial enterprise; or

(B) to transport farm products anywhere other than to the first point of processing.

[Pre-2016 Revision Citations: New; subdivision (4) formerly 9-21-21-3.]

As added by P.L.198-2016, SEC.326.

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