Display of License Plates; Violation

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     Note: This version of section effective 1-1-2022. See also preceding version of this section, effective until 1-1-2022.

Sec. 4. (a) License plates shall be displayed on a vehicle as follows:

(1) For a tractor, a dump truck, or a truck with a rear-mounted forklift or a mechanism to carry a rear-mounted forklift or implement, upon the front of the vehicle.

(2) Except as provided in subsections (c) and (d), for every other vehicle, upon the rear of the vehicle.

(b) A license plate shall be:

(1) securely fastened, in a horizontal and upright position that displays the registration expiration year in the upper right corner, to the vehicle for which the plate is issued:

(A) to prevent the license plate from swinging;

(B) at a height of at least twelve (12) inches from the ground, measuring from the bottom of the license plate; and

(C) in a place and position that are clearly visible;

(2) maintained free from foreign materials and in a condition to be clearly legible; and

(3) not obstructed or obscured by tires, bumpers, accessories, or other opaque objects.

(c) Subject to subsection (b), an interim license plate issued or used by a dealer licensed under IC 9-32 or used by a manufacturer must be displayed:

(1) in the manner required under subsection (a) for the type of vehicle on which the interim license plate is displayed; or

(2) in a location on the left side of a window that is:

(A) facing the rear of the motor vehicle; and

(B) clearly visible and unobstructed.

A plate displayed under subdivision (2) must be affixed to the window of the motor vehicle.

(d) A temporary license plate issued by the bureau must be displayed in the same manner as an interim license plate under subsection (c).

(e) Upon the renewal of a registration under this article, a license plate other than a temporary license plate must display a renewal sticker:

(1) that is securely affixed in the upper right corner of the license plate; and

(2) that covers the previous registration expiration year.

(f) A person that violates this section commits a Class C infraction.

[Pre-2016 Revision Citations: 9-18-2-26; subsection (c) formerly 9-32-6-11(f).]

As added by P.L.198-2016, SEC.326. Amended by P.L.164-2018, SEC.2; P.L.111-2021, SEC.17.

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