Donations to Anatomical Gift Promotion Fund

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Sec. 9. A person that registers a vehicle may indicate the person's desire to donate money to organizations that promote the procurement of organs for anatomical gifts. The bureau must:

(1) allow the person registering the vehicle to indicate the amount the person desires to donate; and

(2) provide that the minimum amount a person may donate is one dollar ($1).

Funds collected under this section shall be deposited with the treasurer of state in a special account. The auditor of state shall monthly distribute the money in the special account to the anatomical gift promotion fund established by IC 16-19-3-26. The bureau may deduct from the funds collected under this subdivision the costs incurred by the bureau in implementing and administering this subdivision.

[Pre-2016 Revision Citation: 9-18-2-16(a).]

As added by P.L.198-2016, SEC.326.

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