Certificate of Title Required; Violation

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Sec. 2. (a) This section does not apply to the following:

(1) Special machinery.

(2) A motor vehicle that was designed to have a maximum design speed of not more than twenty-five (25) miles per hour and that was built, constructed, modified, or assembled by a person other than the manufacturer.

(3) Snowmobiles.

(4) Motor driven cycles.

(b) The bureau may not register a vehicle unless the person applying for the certificate of registration:

(1) applies at the same time or within the immediately preceding forty-five (45) days for a certificate of title for the vehicle; or

(2) presents satisfactory evidence that a certificate of title has been previously issued to the person that covers the vehicle.

(c) If the bureau at any time determines that a certificate of title for a vehicle cannot be issued or is invalid, the bureau:

(1) shall not issue or furnish; or

(2) may invalidate;

the certificate of registration for the vehicle.

(d) A person that operates a vehicle for which a certificate of registration is required without a valid certificate of registration commits a Class C infraction.

[Pre-2016 Revision Citations: 9-17-1-1(a); subsection (b) formerly 9-18-2-10(a); subsection (c) formerly 9-18-2-10(b).]

As added by P.L.198-2016, SEC.326.

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