Vehicle Operated by Nonresident; Exception

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Sec. 5. (a) A nonresident that owns a vehicle that:

(1) is required to be registered under this article; and

(2) is not subject to registration under the International Registration Plan;

may operate, or permit the operation of, the vehicle on a highway without registering the vehicle under this article if the vehicle is registered in accordance with the laws of the jurisdiction in which the nonresident is a resident.

(b) The exemption granted by subsection (a) applies only to the extent that Indiana residents are granted an equivalent exemption in the jurisdiction in which the nonresident is a resident.

[Pre-2016 Revision Citations: 9-18-2-2; subsection (b) formerly 9-18-2-3.]

As added by P.L.198-2016, SEC.326.

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