Vehicles Not Required to Be Registered

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Sec. 2. The following vehicles are not required to be registered under this article:

(1) A vehicle that is propelled by electric power obtained from overhead trolley wires but is not operated on rails or tracks.

(2) A firetruck and apparatus used for fire protection.

(3) A new motor vehicle if the new motor vehicle is being operated in Indiana solely to remove it from an accident site to a storage location because:

(A) the new motor vehicle was being transported on a railroad car or semitrailer; and

(B) the railroad car or semitrailer was involved in an accident that required the unloading of the new motor vehicle to preserve or prevent further damage to it.

(4) A vehicle that is:

(A) owned or leased; and

(B) used;

by the United States government for official government purposes.

(5) A school bus or special purpose bus that is:

(A) owned by a school corporation; and

(B) registered under IC 20-27-7.

(6) Golf carts when operated in accordance with an ordinance adopted under IC 9-21-1-3(a)(14) or IC 9-21-1-3.3(a).

(7) A vehicle that is not designed for or employed in general highway transportation of persons or property and is occasionally operated or moved over the highway, including the following:

(A) An electric personal assistive mobility device.

(B) Road construction or maintenance machinery.

(C) A movable device designed, used, or maintained to alert motorists of hazardous conditions on highways.

(D) Construction dust control machinery.

(E) A well boring apparatus.

(F) A ditch digging apparatus.

(G) An implement of agriculture designed to be operated primarily in a farm field or on farm premises.

(H) A farm tractor.

(I) A farm wagon.

(J) A tractor:

(i) that is used to move semitrailers around a terminal or a loading or spotting facility; and

(ii) for which a permit is issued under IC 6-6-4.1-13(f).

(8) Except as provided in IC 9-18.1-14, an off-road vehicle or a snowmobile.

(9) A vehicle that is operated and displays a license plate in accordance with IC 9-32.

(10) A disposable trailer.

[Pre-2016 Revision Citations: 9-13-2-196(b); 9-13-2-201; 9-18-1-1; 9-18-2-7(a); 9-18-3-1; 9-29-5-12.]

As added by P.L.198-2016, SEC.326. Amended by P.L.128-2018, SEC.3; P.L.178-2019, SEC.38.

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