Replacement Certificate of Registration or Decal; Notice to Law Enforcement; Fee

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     Note: This version of section effective 1-1-2022. See also preceding version of this section, effective until 1-1-2022.

Sec. 7. (a) If a certificate of registration or decal issued for an off-road vehicle or a snowmobile that is registered under this chapter is lost, stolen, destroyed, or damaged, the owner of the off-road vehicle or snowmobile may apply to the bureau for a replacement certificate of registration or decal. If the certificate of registration or decal is stolen, the owner shall provide notice of the theft to a law enforcement agency with jurisdiction over:

(1) the site of the theft; or

(2) the address listed on the certificate of registration.

(b) The bureau shall issue a replacement certificate of registration or decal to the owner of an off-road vehicle or a snowmobile after the owner:

(1) pays a fee of nine dollars and fifty cents ($9.50); and

(2) provides notice as required under subsection (a), if applicable.

(c) The fee imposed under subsection (b) shall be distributed as follows:

(1) Twenty-five cents ($0.25) to the state construction fund.

(2) Fifty cents ($0.50) to the state motor vehicle technology fund.

(3) One dollar ($1) to the crossroads 2000 fund.

(4) One dollar and fifty cents ($1.50) to the motor vehicle highway account.

(5) One dollar and twenty-five cents ($1.25) to the integrated public safety communications fund.

(6) Five dollars ($5) to the commission fund.

(d) A replacement certificate of registration or decal issued under this section must be attached and displayed in the same manner as the original certificate of registration or decal.

[Pre-2016 Revision Citations: subsection (b) formerly 9-29-5-44(d); 9-29-5-44(f).]

As added by P.L.198-2016, SEC.326. Amended by P.L.256-2017, SEC.131; P.L.108-2019, SEC.183; P.L.111-2021, SEC.20.

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