Determination of Genuineness, Regularity, and Legality; Certificates of Registration and Decals

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Sec. 3. (a) The bureau shall use due diligence in examining and determining the genuineness, regularity, and legality of the information provided by a person as part of a request to register an off-road vehicle or a snowmobile under this chapter.

(b) The bureau may:

(1) make investigations or require additional information; and

(2) reject an application or request;

if the bureau is not satisfied of the genuineness, regularity, or legality of an application or the truth of a statement contained in an application or request, or for any other reason.

(c) If the bureau determines that a person applying to register an off-road vehicle or a snowmobile is entitled to register the off-road vehicle or snowmobile, the bureau shall register the off-road vehicle or snowmobile and issue to the applicant the following:

(1) A certificate of registration.

(2) Two (2) decals.

A person that fails to maintain registration for an off-road vehicle or snowmobile under this section commits a Class C infraction.

(d) Certificates of registration and decals issued under this section:

(1) remain the property of the bureau; and

(2) may be revoked, canceled, or repossessed as provided by law.

[Pre-2016 Revision Citations: subsection (c) formerly 9-18-2.5-4(b); 9-18-2.5-4(d).]

As added by P.L.198-2016, SEC.326.

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