Delinquent Registration; Administrative Penalty

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Sec. 7. (a) Except as provided in subsection (b), a person that fails to:

(1) apply for the registration of, or transfer a registration to, a vehicle;

(2) provide full payment for the registration of a vehicle; or

(3) both:

(A) apply for the registration of, or transfer a registration to, a vehicle; and

(B) provide full payment for the registration of a vehicle;

as required under this chapter is subject to the penalties and interest imposed under IC 6-8.1-10.

(b) A person that fails to:

(1) apply for the registration of, or transfer a registration to, a vehicle;

(2) provide full payment for the registration of a vehicle; or

(3) both:

(A) apply for the registration of, or transfer a registration to, a vehicle; and

(B) provide full payment for the registration of a vehicle;

as required under IC 9-18-2-4.6 (before its expiration) or IC 9-18.1-13-3 is subject to the administrative penalty imposed under IC 9-18.1-11-5.

(c) An administrative penalty collected under subsection (b) shall be deposited in the commission fund.

As added by P.L.198-2016, SEC.326. Amended by P.L.257-2017, SEC.29.

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