Application by Transport Operator for General Distinctive Registration Number; License Plates; Display; Fees

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Sec. 4. (a) This section does not apply to a vehicle registered as a recovery vehicle under IC 9-18.1-6.

(b) A transport operator may, instead of registering each motor vehicle transported or disposable trailer used, make a verified application upon a form prescribed by the bureau and furnished by the bureau for a general distinctive registration number for:

(1) all motor vehicles transported by the transport operator and used and operated for the purposes provided; or

(2) all disposable trailers used and operated for the purpose of transporting sectionalized buildings.

(c) The application must contain the following:

(1) A brief description of:

(A) each style or type of motor vehicle transported; or

(B) the type of disposable trailer used to transport the sectionalized building.

(2) The name and address, including the county of residence, of the transport operator.

(3) For an application to use a disposable trailer, a statement that the disposable trailer will be disassembled after a single use.

(4) Any other information the bureau requires.

(d) The bureau, upon receiving:

(1) an application for a transport operator license plate; and

(2) the fee under subsection (j);

shall issue to the person that submitted the application and fee two (2) certificates of registration and the license plates with numbers corresponding to the numbers of the certificates of registration. A transport operator may obtain as many additional pairs of license plates as desired upon application and the payment to the bureau of the fee under subsection (l) for each pair of additional license plates.

(e) A license plate or sign other than those furnished and approved by the bureau may not be used.

(f) A transport operator license plate may not be used on a vehicle used or operated on a highway, except for the purpose of transporting:

(1) vehicles in transit; or

(2) sectionalized buildings.

A person may haul other vehicles or parts of vehicles in transit in the same combination.

(g) A transport operator may not operate a vehicle or any combination of vehicles in excess of the size and weight limits specified by law.

(h) A license plate issued under this section shall be displayed on the front and rear of each combination, and if only one (1) motor vehicle is transported, a license plate shall be displayed on both the front and rear of the motor vehicle.

(i) The bureau may not issue transport operator license plates to a transport operator that has been convicted of violating this section until the bureau is satisfied that the transport operator is able to comply with the requirements of this section.

(j) The fee for one (1) set of license plates for each transport operator is one hundred thirty-nine dollars and twenty-five cents ($139.25). The fee shall be distributed as follows:

(1) Twenty-five cents ($0.25) to the state construction fund.

(2) Five dollars ($5) to the crossroads 2000 fund.

(3) Nine dollars ($9) to the commission fund.

(4) Thirty dollars ($30) to the highway, road and street fund.

(5) Ninety-five dollars ($95) to the motor vehicle highway account.

(k) The fee for the first two (2) sets of license plates for each transport operator is one hundred fifty-eight dollars and twenty-five cents ($158.25). The fee shall be distributed as follows:

(1) Twenty-five cents ($0.25) to the state construction fund.

(2) Fifteen dollars ($15) to the crossroads 2000 fund.

(3) Eighteen dollars ($18) to the commission fund.

(4) Thirty dollars ($30) to the highway, road and street fund.

(5) Ninety-five dollars ($95) to the motor vehicle highway account.

(l) The fee for each additional set of license plates for a transport operator is thirty-four dollars and twenty-five cents ($34.25). The fee shall be distributed as follows:

(1) Twenty-five cents ($0.25) to the state construction fund.

(2) Nine dollars ($9) to the commission fund.

(3) Ten dollars ($10) to the crossroads 2000 fund.

(4) Fifteen dollars ($15) to the motor vehicle highway account.

(m) This section expires July 1, 2021.

[Pre-2016 Revision Citations: 9-18-2-23; subsection (i) formerly 9-29-5-16.]

As added by P.L.198-2016, SEC.326. Amended by P.L.128-2018, SEC.4; P.L.108-2019, SEC.182; P.L.120-2020, SEC.20.

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