Prohibited Costs

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Sec. 7. The following costs may not be paid from a grant made under this chapter:

(1) Any cost incurred before approval by the board of funding for a project.

(2) Routine maintenance of a trail, bridge, culvert, fence, or sign.

(3) Winter maintenance of a trail or bridge, including snow plowing, sanding, or salting.

(4) Overhead and operating costs associated with a project, such as auditing, legal, and administrative costs.

(5) Expenses associated with the preparation and submission of a project application.

(6) Predesign engineering and planning expenses.

(7) Utility costs other than those described in section 6 of this chapter.

(8) Pavement markings, traffic signs, safety appurtenances, or lighting, except as an integral part of a trail project.

(9) Purchase of office furnishings or equipment, construction equipment, or personal property.

(10) Sanitary sewers or water mains, except as necessary for restroom construction.

(11) General government expenses and expenses associated with the provision of any public service that are not otherwise eligible for project funding.

As added by P.L.40-1995, SEC.3.

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