Eligibility Criteria

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Sec. 5. A proposed project must meet all of the following eligibility criteria:

(1) The project must be part of a local, an areawide, a regional, or a statewide plan.

(2) The trail route must be designed in a reasonably safe manner and to allow enjoyment of scenic views or points of historical interest. The route may use:

(A) existing roads, streets, or parkways if the normal flow of motor vehicle traffic will not be hindered;

(B) abandoned railroad corridors;

(C) water corridors, such as river levees and canal tow-paths;

(D) utility corridors; or

(E) new rights-of-way, if necessary.

(3) The project must include a contribution of at least twenty percent (20%) matching funds. Matching funds must be from sources other than the program. Matching funds may not include other grants from state agencies or the provision of in kind services. The value of donated real property may be used to satisfy the matching fund requirement if both of the following apply:

(A) The real property is donated after the board's funding commitment.

(B) The value is based on a real estate appraisal acceptable to the department of natural resources. The appraisal is subject to review and approval by the department of natural resources after a funding commitment has been made.

As added by P.L.40-1995, SEC.3.

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