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Sec. 4. (a) An application must contain the following information:

(1) The information required by IC 8-4.5-6-3.

(2) The applicant's name, mailing address, and telephone number.

(3) The name, mailing address, and telephone number of an individual who will serve as liaison with the department of natural resources.

(4) A time schedule for the total trail project with the applicant's written assurance of project completion as scheduled.

(5) An adequate justification for the project based on the project eligibility criteria in section 5 of this chapter and the evaluation criteria in section 11 of this chapter.

(6) A written assurance from the applicant that the total trail used to justify the project will be adequately maintained and made available for the intended public use for at least twenty (20) years after completion of the project, except as approved by the board.

(7) The amount of the grant requested from the fund. The application may offer a matching fund contribution larger than is required.

(8) A certified copy of the following:

(A) If the entire project will be located within a municipality, an ordinance adopted by the legislative body of the municipality under IC 8-4.5-6-4 that includes a consent to approval of the grant application.

(B) If clause (A) does not apply, an ordinance adopted by the legislative body of each county in which any part of the project will be located under IC 8-4.5-6-4 that includes a consent to approval of the grant application.

(b) An application that is considered but not funded in a fiscal year may be resubmitted for consideration in the next fiscal year.

(c) An applicant may submit a request for a time schedule adjustment. A time schedule adjustment may be approved by the department of natural resources if the project involves unusually complex studies, extensive real estate negotiations, extensive analyses for environmental clearances, complex planning for associated developments, or other compelling reasons.

(d) An applicant may withdraw an application at any time.

As added by P.L.40-1995, SEC.3.

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