County Meeting to Consider Acquisitions

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Sec. 3. (a) The Indiana department of transportation shall hold at least one (1) public meeting in a county through which the corridor passes before determining whether the state should acquire a railroad's interest in a corridor that is proposed to be abandoned. Notice of the meeting must be given in accordance with IC 5-14-1.5.

(b) In addition to the notice requirements of IC 5-14-1.5, the department shall give notice of a meeting under this section to the following:

(1) The county commissioners of each county through which the railroad's interest in the proposed abandoned corridor passes.

(2) The legislative body of each city or town:

(A) through which the railroad's interest in the corridor passes; or

(B) that is within one (1) mile of any part of the railroad's interest in the corridor.

(3) The railroad that proposes to abandon the railroad's interest in the corridor.

(4) The Indiana utility regulatory commission.

Notice must be given to the persons described in subdivisions (1) through (4) not later than the date notice is required to be published under IC 5-14-1.5.

(c) The department may hold additional meetings before making a determination under this chapter.

(d) The department shall hold a meeting under this section in each county through which the railroad's interest in the corridor passes.

As added by P.L.40-1995, SEC.3. Amended by P.L.158-1999, SEC.8; P.L.59-2005, SEC.4.

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