Withdrawal From Compact; Default; Termination of Compact

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Sec. 9. (a) Withdrawal from this compact shall be by enactment of a statute repealing the compact and takes effect one (1) year after the effective date of the statute.

(b) A withdrawing state is liable for any obligations that the withdrawing state may have incurred before the effective date of withdrawal.

(c) If, at any time, a compacting state defaults in the performance of any of its obligations, assumed or imposed, in accordance with the provisions of this compact, all rights, privileges, and benefits conferred by this compact or agreements under the compact shall be suspended from the effective date of the compacting state's default, as fixed by the commission.

(d) The commission shall stipulate the conditions and maximum time for compliance under which the defaulting state may resume its regular status.

(e) Unless the default is remedied under the stipulations and within the time set forth by the commission, this compact may be terminated with respect to the defaulting state by affirmative vote of a majority of the other commission members.

(f) A defaulting state may be reinstated, upon vote of the commission, by performing all acts and obligations as stipulated by the commission.

As added by P.L.131-2000, SEC.1.

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