Powers and Duties of Commission

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Sec. 4. (a) The duties of the commission are to:

(1) advocate for the funding and authorization necessary to make passenger rail improvements a reality for the region;

(2) identify and seek to develop ways that states can form partnerships, including those with rail industry and labor, to implement improved passenger rail service in the region;

(3) seek development of a long term, interstate plan for high speed rail passenger service implementation;

(4) cooperate with other agencies, regions, and entities to ensure that the Midwest is adequately represented and integrated into national plans for passenger rail development;

(5) adopt bylaws governing the activities and procedures of the commission and addressing, among other subjects:

(A) the powers and duties of officers; and

(B) the voting rights of commission members, voting procedures, commission business, and any other purposes necessary to fulfill the duties of the commission;

(6) expend funds as required to carry out the powers and duties of the commission; and

(7) report on the activities of the commission to the legislatures and governors of the member states on an annual basis.

(b) In addition to its exercise of these duties, the commission may:

(1) provide multistate advocacy necessary to implement passenger rail systems or plans, as approved by the commission;

(2) work with local elected officials, economic development planning organizations, and similar entities to raise the visibility of passenger rail service benefits and needs;

(3) educate other state officials, federal agencies, other elected officials, and the public on the advantages of passenger rail as an integral part of an intermodal transportation system in the region;

(4) work with federal agency officials and members of Congress to ensure the funding and authorization necessary to develop a long term, interstate plan for high speed rail passenger service implementation.

(5) make recommendations to member states;

(6) implement or provide oversight for specific rail projects, if requested by each state participating in a particular project and under the terms of a formal agreement approved by the participating states and the commission;

(7) establish an office and hire staff as necessary;

(8) contract for or provide services;

(9) assess dues, according to the terms of this compact;

(10) conduct research; and

(11) establish committees.

As added by P.L.131-2000, SEC.1.

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