Rail Passenger Network Financial and Economic Impact Study

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Sec. 3. (a) The states of Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, and Florida (referred to in this chapter as "participating states") agree, upon adoption of this compact by the respective states, to jointly conduct and participate in a rail passenger network financial and economic impact study. The study must do the following:

(1) Carry forward research previously performed by the national railroad passenger corporation (Amtrak) (report issued December 1990) and the Evansville Amtrak task force (report issued November 1990) that evaluated the "western route" (Chicago-Evansville-Nashville-Chattanooga-Macon-Waycross-Jacksonville) for purposes of evaluating a representative service schedule, train running times, and associated costs.

(2) Include consideration of the following:

(A) The purchase of railroad equipment by a participating state and the lease of the railroad equipment to Amtrak.

(B) The recommendation that a member of the council serve on the Amtrak board of directors.

(C) The periodic review of projected passenger traffic estimates on the western route.

(D) Any other matter related to the financial and economic impact of a rail passenger network along the western route.

(b) Information and data collected during the study under subsection (a) that is requested by a participating state or a consulting firm representing a participating state or the compact may be made available to the state or firm. However, the information may not include matters not of public record or of a nature considered to be privileged and confidential unless the state providing the information agrees to waive the confidentiality.

As added by P.L.58-1992, SEC.1.

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