Freight and Coal Cars; Duty to Provide; Shipment of Livestock and Perishable Property; Preference

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Sec. 5. Every carrier subject to this chapter shall furnish to all parties who apply therefor, as provided in this chapter, suitable cars for the transportation of all kinds of freight in carload lots. If the car equipment of the carrier is not adequate to supply the whole number of cars demanded by applicants for immediate use, then the carrier shall distribute its available equipment between the applicants in proportion to their respective requirements for immediate use, and the distribution shall be made without discrimination between shippers or between competitive and noncompetitive points, subject to the rules of the Indiana department of transportation. Preference shall be given to the shipment of livestock and perishable property, and in all cases where any coal mine or mines are under contract to furnish all or any part of their product to the state for the use of all or any of the buildings or public institutions of the state, the department may, by order, require any carrier serving the mine or mines to supply empty coal cars to the mine or mines for delivery only of coal within Indiana up to one hundred percent (100%) of the cars necessary to fill the daily order contracted by the mine with the state for the use of state buildings or institutions. A carrier serving a coal mine or mines shall comply with the order. Reconsignment of shipments of coal are unlawful unless authorized by the Indiana department of transportation.

Formerly: Acts 1907, c.231, s.5; Acts 1920(2ss), c.15, s.1. As amended by P.L.62-1984, SEC.17; P.L.384-1987(ss), SEC.35; P.L.18-1990, SEC.43.

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