Freight Movements; Time Limit

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Sec. 3. All carriers subject to the provisions of this chapter are required, when any carload freight has been properly loaded and proper shipping instructions have been delivered, to move the same forward to destination, if on its line, or to the point of junction with the connecting carrier named in the shipping directions, not less than average of fifty (50) miles every twenty-four (24) hours, Sundays and legal holidays excepted; provided, that twenty-four (24) hours shall be allowed for movements through the terminals at point of origin and for passing through any transfer or terminal en route. Every such carrier shall receive from its connecting lines, at junction points, or at point of interchange agreed upon between them, all carload freight tendered there for forwarding on its lines and shall move the same forward to destination, or to the connecting carrier named in the shipping directions an average of not less than fifty (50) miles every twenty-four (24) hours, Sundays and legal holidays excepted; provided, that twenty-four (24) hours shall be allowed for the movement through the terminal at point of origin and for passing through any transfer or terminal en route. In case any such carrier shall fail, unless prevented by wrecks or strikes or accident to tracks, to forward carload shipments as provided in this section, then every such carrier shall forfeit and pay to the consignee of such freight the sum of five dollars ($5) per car for each twenty-four (24) hours or major part thereof that the same has not been moved forward as required by this section, and the sum due on account of any such forfeiture may be deducted from the freight charges following any such shipment. All shipments of freight in less than carload lots shall be moved by the carrier at the same rate of speed as required by this section for freight in carload lots, except that forty-eight (48) hours shall be allowed for getting out of terminal at point of origin, and for passing through any terminal or transfer en route. The penalty for failure to so move shipments of freight in less than carload lots shall be an amount equal to twenty-five percent (25%) of the freight charged on such shipment for every day's delay or fraction of a day.

Formerly: Acts 1907, c.231, s.3. As amended by P.L.62-1984, SEC.15.

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