Actions and Proceedings to Enforce Railroad Law

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Sec. 14. The Indiana department of transportation may inquire into the management and business of carriers as regulated by this chapter and shall keep informed as to the manner and method in which the management is conducted. The department may obtain from the carriers, and their agents, officers, and employees full and complete information to enable it to perform its duties under this chapter. The department shall execute and enforce this chapter and for that purpose may, with the approval of the governor, employ and pay special counsel and other persons to assist it. The department may sue in its name in all the courts of Indiana and prosecute all necessary and appropriate actions at law or suits in equity for the purpose of securing the observance and enforcement of this chapter. If the department, in an action, is entitled to a temporary restraining order or injunction, pending final hearing, the court shall grant the order or injunction with all reasonable dispatch and without requiring bond or surety from the department. All state statutes, concerning examinations by the department of books and papers, and the production thereof, and the attendance of examination of witnesses in any investigation held by the department, regulate the proceedings of the department in any investigations held by it under this chapter.

Formerly: Acts 1907, c.231, s.14. As amended by P.L.62-1984, SEC.24; P.L.384-1987(ss), SEC.39; P.L.18-1990, SEC.47.

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