Ordinance Authorizing Bonds; Method of Sale; Price

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Sec. 4. (a) The bonds must be authorized by ordinance of the fiscal body. The ordinance must provide the following with respect to the bonds:

(1) The original date of the bonds.

(2) The time or times that the bonds mature. However, a bond may not mature more than twenty (20) years after the date it is issued.

(3) The maximum interest rate or rates, including variations of the rates.

(4) The denominations.

(5) The form, either coupon or registered.

(6) The registration privileges.

(7) The medium of payment and the place or places of payment.

(8) The terms of redemption, including redemption before maturity.

(b) Bonds issued under this chapter must be sold under IC 5-1-11, and at a price or prices determined by the county fiscal body in the ordinance.

As added by P.L.153-2014, SEC.17.

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