Allocation of Tax Proceeds; Notice to County Auditor and Other Officers; Valuation of Property

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Sec. 9. (a) As used in this section, "base assessed value" means, subject to subsection (k):

(1) the net assessed value of all the tangible property as finally determined for the assessment date immediately preceding the effective date of the allocation provision of the commission's resolution adopted under section 5 or 9.5 of this chapter, notwithstanding the date of the final action taken under section 6 of this chapter; plus

(2) to the extent it is not included in subdivision (1), the net assessed value of property that is assessed as residential property under the rules of the department of local government finance, within the airport development zone, as finally determined for the current assessment date.

However, subdivision (2) applies only to an airport development zone established after June 30, 1997, and the portion of an airport development zone established before June 30, 1997, that is added to an existing airport development zone.

(b) A resolution adopted under section 5 of this chapter and confirmed under section 6 of this chapter must include a provision with respect to the allocation and distribution of property taxes for the purposes and in the manner provided in this section.

(c) The allocation provision must:

(1) apply to the entire airport development zone; and

(2) require that any property tax on taxable tangible property subsequently levied by or for the benefit of any public body entitled to a distribution of property taxes in the airport development zone be allocated and distributed as provided in subsections (d) and (e).

(d) Except as otherwise provided in this section:

(1) the proceeds of the taxes attributable to the lesser of:

(A) the assessed value of the tangible property for the assessment date with respect to which the allocation and distribution is made; or

(B) the base assessed value;

shall be allocated and, when collected, paid into the funds of the respective taxing units; and

(2) the excess of the proceeds of the property taxes imposed for the assessment date with respect to which the allocation and distribution are made that are attributable to taxes imposed after being approved by the voters in a referendum or local public question conducted after April 30, 2010, not otherwise included in subdivision (1) shall be allocated to and, when collected, paid into the funds of the taxing unit for which the referendum or local public question was conducted.

(e) All of the property tax proceeds in excess of those described in subsection (d) shall be allocated to the eligible entity for the airport development zone and, when collected, paid into special funds as follows:

(1) The commission may determine that a portion of tax proceeds shall be allocated to a training grant fund to be expended by the commission without appropriation solely for the purpose of reimbursing training expenses incurred by public or private entities in the training of employees for the qualified airport development project.

(2) The commission may determine that a portion of tax proceeds shall be allocated to a debt service fund and dedicated to the payment of principal and interest on revenue bonds or a loan contract of the board of aviation commissioners or airport authority for a qualified airport development project, to the payment of leases for a qualified airport development project, or to the payment of principal and interest on bonds issued by an eligible entity to pay for qualified airport development projects in the airport development zone or serving the airport development zone.

(3) The commission may determine that a part of the tax proceeds shall be allocated to a project fund and used to pay expenses incurred by the commission for a qualified airport development project that is in the airport development zone or is serving the airport development zone.

(4) Except as provided in subsection (f), all remaining tax proceeds after allocations are made under subdivisions (1), (2), and (3) shall be allocated to a project fund and dedicated to the reimbursement of expenditures made by the commission for a qualified airport development project that is in the airport development zone or is serving the airport development zone.

(f) Before July 15 of each year, the commission shall do the following:

(1) Determine the amount, if any, by which tax proceeds allocated to the project fund in subsection (e)(3) in the following year will exceed the amount necessary to satisfy amounts required under subsection (e).

(2) Provide a written notice to the county auditor and the officers who are authorized to fix budgets, tax rates, and tax levies under IC 6-1.1-17-5 for each of the other taxing units that is wholly or partly located within the allocation area. The notice must:

(A) state the amount, if any, of excess tax proceeds that the commission has determined may be allocated to the respective taxing units in the manner prescribed in subsection (d)(1); or

(B) state that the commission has determined that there are no excess tax proceeds that may be allocated to the respective taxing units in the manner prescribed in subsection (d)(1).

The county auditor shall allocate to the respective taxing units the amount, if any, of excess tax proceeds determined by the commission.

(g) When money in the debt service fund and in the project fund is sufficient to pay all outstanding principal and interest (to the earliest date on which the obligations can be redeemed) on revenue bonds issued by the board of aviation commissioners or airport authority for the financing of qualified airport development projects, all lease rentals payable on leases of qualified airport development projects, and all costs and expenditures associated with all qualified airport development projects, money in the debt service fund and in the project fund in excess of those amounts shall be paid to the respective taxing units in the manner prescribed by subsection (d)(1).

(h) Property tax proceeds allocable to the debt service fund under subsection (e)(2) must, subject to subsection (g), be irrevocably pledged by the eligible entity for the purpose set forth in subsection (e)(2).

(i) Notwithstanding any other law, each assessor shall, upon petition of the commission, reassess the taxable tangible property situated upon or in, or added to, the airport development zone effective on the next assessment date after the petition.

(j) Notwithstanding any other law, the assessed value of all taxable tangible property in the airport development zone, for purposes of tax limitation, property tax replacement, and formulation of the budget, tax rate, and tax levy for each political subdivision in which the property is located is the lesser of:

(1) the assessed value of the tangible property as valued without regard to this section; or

(2) the base assessed value.

(k) If the commission confirms, or modifies and confirms, a resolution under section 6 of this chapter and the commission makes either of the filings required under section 6(c) of this chapter after the first anniversary of the effective date of the allocation provision, the auditor of the county in which the airport development zone is located shall compute the base assessed value for the allocation area using the assessment date immediately preceding the later of:

(1) the date on which the documents are filed with the county auditor; or

(2) the date on which the documents are filed with the department of local government finance.

As added by P.L.86-1991, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.108-1993, SEC.8; P.L.115-1995, SEC.9; P.L.91-1997, SEC.8; P.L.255-1997(ss), SEC.8; P.L.90-2002, SEC.332; P.L.246-2005, SEC.84; P.L.124-2006, SEC.6; P.L.97-2007, SEC.2; P.L.146-2008, SEC.365; P.L.182-2009(ss), SEC.276; P.L.203-2011, SEC.3; P.L.214-2019, SEC.30; P.L.257-2019, SEC.81; P.L.156-2020, SEC.42.

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