Designation of Airport Development Zone Area; Resolution; Approval

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Sec. 5. (a) The commission may designate an area within the jurisdiction of a board of aviation commissioners under IC 8-22-2 or an airport authority under IC 8-22-3 as an airport development zone if the commission finds by resolution the following:

(1) In order to promote opportunities for the gainful employment of the citizens of the eligible entity and the attraction of a qualified airport development project to the eligible entity, an area under the jurisdiction of the board of aviation commissioners or airport authority should be declared an airport development zone.

(2) The public health and welfare of the eligible entity will be benefited by designating the area as an airport development zone.

(b) If the airport development zone will be located in a consolidated city or in a county described in section 1(3), 1(4), 1(5), or 1(6) of this chapter, the resolution adopted under subsection (a) must also include a finding that there has been proposed a qualified airport development project to be located in the airport development zone, with the proposal supported by:

(1) financial and economic data; and

(2) preliminary commitments by business enterprises that evidence a reasonable likelihood that the proposed qualified airport development project will be initiated and accomplished.

(c) If the airport development zone will be located in a city described in:

(1) section 1(2) of this chapter, the resolution adopted under subsection (a) must also include findings stating that the most recent federal decennial census for the city indicates the following:

(A) The unemployment rate for the city is at least thirteen percent (13%).

(B) The population of the city has decreased by at least ten percent (10%) as compared to the population reported in the preceding federal decennial census for the city.

(C) The median per capita income for city residents does not exceed eighty percent (80%) of the median per capita income for all residents of the United States.

(D) At least twenty-five percent (25%) of the population of the city is below the federal income poverty level (as defined in IC 12-15-2-1); or

(2) section 1(7) of this chapter, the resolution adopted under subsection (a) must also include findings stating the following:

(A) There has been proposed a qualified airport development project to be located in the airport development zone, with the proposal supported by:

(i) financial and economic data; and

(ii) preliminary commitments by business enterprises that evidence a reasonable likelihood that the proposed qualified airport development project will be initiated and accomplished.

(B) The city has Interstate Highway 69 serving the airport and the city's residents and facilitating commerce and free travel within and through the midwestern United States.

(d) The resolution adopted under subsection (a) must describe the boundaries of the area. The description may be by reference to the area's location in relation to public ways or streams, or otherwise, as determined by the commission.

(e) If the airport development zone will be located in a county described in section 1(4), 1(5), or 1(6) of this chapter, the resolution adopted under subsection (a) and any qualified airport development project to be located in the airport development zone, must be approved by the executive of:

(1) the county, if the entire airport development zone or qualified airport development project will be located outside the boundaries of any municipality located in the county;

(2) a municipality located in the county, if the entire airport development zone or qualified airport development project will be located within the boundary of the municipality; or

(3) the county and a municipality located in the county, if the airport development zone or qualified airport development project will be located within the boundary of the county and in part within the boundary of the municipality.

As added by P.L.86-1991, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.108-1993, SEC.6; P.L.115-1995, SEC.7; P.L.85-1996, SEC.5; P.L.91-1997, SEC.7; P.L.165-2003, SEC.2; P.L.124-2006, SEC.5; P.L.182-2009(ss), SEC.275.

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