"Eligible Entity" Defined

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Sec. 2.5. Notwithstanding IC 8-22-1-6, as used in this chapter, "eligible entity" refers to any of the following:

(1) A consolidated city.

(2) A city described in section 1(2) of this chapter.

(3) A city in a county described in section 1(3) of this chapter.

(4) A county described in section 1(4) of this chapter.

(5) A city located in a county described in section 1(4) of this chapter.

(6) A county described in section 1(5) of this chapter.

(7) A city located in a county described in section 1(5) of this chapter.

(8) A county described in section 1(6) of this chapter.

(9) A city described in section 1(7) of this chapter.

As added by P.L.108-1993, SEC.4. Amended by P.L.115-1995, SEC.5; P.L.85-1996, SEC.3; P.L.91-1997, SEC.5; P.L.124-2006, SEC.3; P.L.182-2009(ss), SEC.273.

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