State Income Tax Incentives for Attracting or Retaining Airport Development Projects in a Consolidated City

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Sec. 15. (a) As used in this section, "state income tax liability" means a tax liability that is incurred under:

(1) IC 6-3-1 through IC 6-3-7 (the adjusted gross income tax); or

(2) any other tax imposed by this state and based on or measured by either gross income or net income.

(b) The attraction or retention of qualified airport development projects to a consolidated city within Indiana is a governmental function of general public benefit for all the citizens of Indiana.

(c) As an incentive to attract or retain qualified airport development projects to Indiana, for a period of thirty-five (35) years, beginning January 1, 1991, persons that locate and operate a qualified airport development project in an airport development zone in a consolidated city shall not incur, notwithstanding any other law, any state income tax liability as a result of:

(1) activities associated with locating or retaining the qualified airport development project in the consolidated city;

(2) the construction, modification, alteration, or completion of the qualified airport development project;

(3) the employment of personnel or the ownership or rental of property at or in conjunction with the qualified airport development project; or

(4) the operation of, or the activities at or in connection with, the qualified airport development project.

(d) The department of state revenue shall adopt rules under IC 4-22-2 to implement this section.

As added by P.L.41-1994, SEC.2. Amended by P.L.192-2002(ss), SEC.149; P.L.224-2003, SEC.268.

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