Recognizance by Licensee

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Sec. 4. Before the license is granted, the applicant shall enter into a recognizance to the city or town, in a penal sum to be fixed by the legislative body, not less than five hundred dollars ($500) nor more than two thousand dollars ($2,000), with sufficient surety, conditioned faithfully to keep, maintain, and operate the ferry with good and sufficient boats and landing places for the safe conveyance of persons and property, a sufficient number of hands to work and manage the boats, together with sufficient implements and appliances for the ferry, in compliance with the rules for operation, on the schedule fixed by the legislative body and at rates of ferriage that the legislative body shall from time to time fix. The bond shall be kept on file with the city or town clerk.

Formerly: Acts 1921, c.137, s.4; Acts 1959, c.235, s.4. As amended by P.L.8-1989, SEC.45.

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