Findings by General Assembly

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Sec. 3. The general assembly finds and determines that:

(1) the state has limited resources to fund the maintenance and expansion of the state transportation system, including toll roads, or the maintenance and expansion of other facilities used by the state or other governmental entities, and therefore alternative funding sources should be developed to supplement public revenue sources;

(2) the Indiana finance authority should be authorized to solicit, evaluate, negotiate, and administer agreements with the private sector for the purposes described in subdivision (1);

(3) it is necessary to serve the public interest and to provide for the public welfare by adopting this article for the purposes described in this article;

(4) public-private agreements entered into by private entities and the Indiana finance authority under this article should allow for:

(A) transparency, oversight, and public information sharing;

(B) compliance with all state and federal environmental laws; and

(C) fairness for local jurisdictions when negotiating the public-private agreements.

As added by P.L.47-2006, SEC.39. Amended by P.L.85-2010, SEC.5; P.L.213-2015, SEC.104.

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