Sec. 12. (a) As used in this section, "coal industry employment" means employment:
(1) at a commercial coal mine in Indiana;
(2) at a coal fired electric generating unit in Indiana; or
(3) in an Indiana based manufacturing or transportation supply chain serving:
(A) a commercial coal mine in Indiana; or
(B) a coal fired electric generating unit in Indiana.
(b) As used in this section, "coal transition worker" means:
(1) an individual who:
(A) has been laid off or terminated from the individual's coal industry employment; or
(B) has received a notice of termination or layoff from the individual's coal industry employment;
as a result of the permanent closure of, or a substantial layoff at, a commercial coal mine in Indiana or a coal fired electric generating unit in Indiana; or
(2) an individual who:
(A) has:
(i) been laid off or terminated, for a reason other than cause; or
(ii) received a notice of termination or layoff, for a reason other than cause;
from the individual's coal industry employment; and
(B) is unlikely to obtain employment in an industry described in subsection (a)(1) through (a)(3) because of market forces or other factors affecting the industry.
(c) In awarding high value workforce ready credit-bearing grants under IC 21-12-8, the commission for higher education, in conjunction with the department of workforce development, shall give priority to an applicant who is a coal transition worker if the applicant is otherwise eligible for a grant under IC 21-12-8-9.
As added by P.L.165-2020, SEC.2.