Secured Debt or Charge

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Sec. 10. (a) The board may authorize and set apart bonds equal to the amount of any secured debt or charge subject to which a waterworks may be purchased or acquired in any proceeding, and shall set aside for interest and sinking fund from the income and revenue of the waterworks a sum sufficient to comply with the requirements of the instrument creating the lien or securing the charge.

(b) If the instrument does not make any provision, the board shall set aside into the secured-debt account from month to month for interest on the secured debt or charge an amount sufficient to provide for the payment of the interest on the secured debt or charge, and at the option of the board either an annual amount sufficient to retire the secured debt or charge at maturity or bonds issued under this chapter equal to the secured debt or charge. Any surplus after satisfying the secured debt or charge may be transferred to the bond and interest redemption account.

(c) Waterworks bonds set aside for a debt may, from time to time, be issued in an amount sufficient with the amount then in the sinking fund to pay and retire the debt or any part thereof. The bonds may not be issued at less than par value in exchange for, or satisfaction of, the secured debt or charge, or may be sold in the manner provided by this chapter, and the proceeds applied in payment of the same at maturity or before maturity by agreement with the holder. A municipality acquiring a waterworks does not assume any liability for the payment of a secured debt or charge, other than the obligation to apply the revenues in the manner prescribed in the ordinance.

As added by Acts 1982, P.L.74, SEC.1.

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