Hearings; Adoption of Rates and Charges; Notice; Contents

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Sec. 8.1. (a) As used in this section, "utility" refers to a municipally owned:

(1) water utility;

(2) wastewater utility; or

(3) combined water and wastewater utility;

that is not under the jurisdiction of the commission for the approval of rates and charges.

(b) As used in this section, "works" refers to water or wastewater utility works.

(c) After the introduction of the ordinance establishing the rates and charges under section 8 of this chapter, but before the ordinance is finally adopted, the municipal legislative body shall hold a public hearing at which users of the works, owners of property served or to be served by the works, and other interested persons may be heard concerning the proposed rates and charges. Notice of the hearing, setting forth the proposed schedule of rates and charges, shall be:

(1) published in accordance with IC 5-3-1 (IC 5-3-1-1 through IC 5-3-1-9);

(2) mailed to owners of vacant or unimproved property if the ordinance includes a fee for water or wastewater service to vacant or unimproved property; and

(3) mailed to users of the works for service to property located outside the municipality's corporate boundaries.

The notice may be mailed in any form so long as the notice of hearing is conspicuous. The hearing may be adjourned from time to time. Notice mailed under subdivision (3) must include a statement that, following adoption of the ordinance, the users described in subdivision (3) may be entitled to petition the commission under section 8.3 of this chapter to review and adjust the rates and charges imposed on the users if a petition under section 8.2 of this chapter or under IC 36-9-23-26.1 with respect to the same rate ordinance has not been filed.

(d) After the hearing, the municipal legislative body shall adopt the ordinance establishing the rates and charges, either as originally introduced or as modified. A copy of the schedule of rates and charges adopted shall be kept on file and available for public inspection in the offices of the board and the municipal clerk. An ordinance adopted after March 31, 2012, that imposes different rates and charges for service to property located outside the corporate boundaries of the municipality as compared to property located within the corporate boundaries of the municipality must state in plain language the percentage difference between the rates and charges.

(e) The rates and charges established for any class of users or property shall be extended to cover any additional property that is subsequently served and falls within the same class, without any hearing or notice.

(f) The municipal legislative body may change or readjust the rates and charges in the same manner as they were established.

(g) Rates and charges collected under this chapter are considered revenues of the utility.

As added by P.L.77-1991, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.139-2012, SEC.1.

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